Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mustek Portable Dvd Raon

here watching the fire and dreaming no more

Pon and Ana asked me to explain that he felt when Jack Twist Ennis first embraced him. They expect anything else but I only get this:

here watching the fire and dreaming, always dreaming, dreaming about last night was not the same as the other times has this happened to me, dreaming that the beating in your chest against my back beat was not the same animal at other times but there was something else, dreaming that now you wake up and leave the store, dreaming that you look at how I'm standing here thinking I'm asleep, dreaming that you smile while you blink your eyes for the beam sun appearing through the clouds, dreaming that you get up and come to me slowly, quietly, that you take your horse and you're leaving without saying goodbye, as it happened sometimes, but come slowly, quietly, and you get behind me without touching me (but I can feel the beating of your heart and cowboy smell and warmth of your eyes on my neck and the touch of your breath), dreaming that you wait a minute, two minutes, and then you approach your lips to my ear and sing to continue sleeping, standing here in front of the fireplace, and your lips caress my ear, and your eyelashes give me a kiss of blue butterfly, dreaming that you pass a hand over my shoulder but not touch me yet, you spend the other hand touching my hip to bring the two in front of my chest, and then you rest in me and I feel your embrace of a man, I again feel the beat of your heart like last night, I return to notice your weight, your warmth, dreaming and still supported and we sway and smile and smile, and I grabbed her hand and stroke it and I turn around to see if it is true that you are there, but if I dare not disappear, because I do not know if I'm asleep or awake, and then you go, and now you take your horse and go, and then I know that there has been a dream, this time everything has been real, because even notice your warmth on my back, which fades slowly blending into the cold morning air, my skin and tattooed forever in the shadow of your chest, with the pictures that your nose has stopped in my neck, with the secret signs of an invented language that your lips have been leaving my shoulders.

The fucking Jack Twist, which sometimes gets fussy! Sorry ladies, maybe next time.

(read the continuation on Thursday February 23 "And now you take your horse and go")


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