Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Wife Caught In Her Undies

Old Stories: The duckling. Free Pizza

When birthday towelette gave him a duck so funny these not know how it would end the night.

This is a story rescued from oblivion by all outstanding drafts are for it, your peoples.

start up all the street as she tried to discover who could be the box in his hand, long and thick. - "A dildo " - said between her and a coworker. Although they were not very far from reality, not waiting for the money he could give as they opened the package. Since I was wrapped to look like a PSP , the gift of Christmas and just as crazy walking towelette at the time.

His face lit up when he saw that under the wrapping box was a brand new PSP. He could not wait to open it to see if they had not PSP. - " A vibrating duck? Well, sure this game more than the PSP "- That's for sure, seeing the amount of shit coming out for that console.

Throughout the night, with the glasses emptied and the people that we were going slowly, we left the coworker towelette and my own.

After a while talking and filling empty bottles we just scrolling area. And after a while as we were leaving to go, she said

- " Oh, and you could have given him a couple of ducks a towelette so that I could use one " - she said, and I replied: - " That I take it personally. Now you come to my house " -.

And you guess what happened after a while? I could not fail, it was another crazy more on the list. A pity, because these things tend to make a relationship and it started well.

Today: Skillet - Eating Me Away


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