Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Causes Coughing Fit

The Sixth Time by Heinrich Kramer

Title: Sixth Hour
Author: H. Kramer
Gender: Fantasy / Mystery / Drama / Thriller / Romance
Country: Argentina
* WARNING: May contain material unsuitable for minors

"There are secrets that should not be disclosed, and others that can never be forgiven ... "

Mine is a girl who struggles with a childhood schizophrenic demonic hallucinations and an addiction to painkillers still latent. After 20 years is forced to return to Lichtport, his hometown, due to sudden death of his father. His lonely life is suddenly surrounded by strange new companies that will guide the paths of forgotten and tedious coastal town. But behind its simplicity and rusticity, Lichtport hidden secrets that will soon be revealed ..

Mel Review:
I know that by now should have published his many reviews, but I want to know the reason for my delay: I read rarely completes blog-novel, and often, believe me if I tell you, read a lot of garbage. I want to present the reason for my delay:

The Sixth Time is simply intriguing. Before anything, I want to congratulate H. Kramer for an excellent job in spelling, a unit of ideas and plot, the quality of your text is simply amazing, makes me think of a book I have in my hands and, of course, has had many corrections to be perfect, because that is what it is: Perfect.
Since its early chapters, the sixth hour, bringing you into his story with a real touch of mystery, the people, Lichport, characters and places, everything is so well described that even feel touch. I like so far has had no super-sweet romance and unreal, has a very good plot, well-knit, well thought out. Well, it's smart.
And it's perfect.

A tip for Kramer, register your work as Intellectual Property is very good, I tell you truly, and has much potential to be published. Strength, patience and lots of luck!
* By the way, the cover is great.


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