Thursday, April 29, 2010

Escourt In Saudi Arabia

My sex is my

Ponele Because, You can do a threesome with me and loves you more than I type and I can do, is that banks . It's all good. Women know this very subject of women. And to meet a woman who naturally and away from the big release that tell you, is at least disturbing. Are other parameters especially if there are no men present to which heat or more women that fluid exchange traffic, a term used in a meeting which I stood and left. I'm not to tolerate dogs hysterical, and know. Following. I have no friends that do not involve projects, ok, is that you're not telling me Fede gallo. Ok. Dawn and I'm typing. I have not the habit of smoking, I have no vice whiskey, I have the fourth cup of coffee on. I'm awake because I want to write, before I go around the head. No, I have a scholarship and I think I'm not saving anyone but me. And to them, the radical ones.

I saw her as she crossed the street, but not encourage me to scream, there were chances that I make a mistake and losing face or my voice just the echo of what I thought I saw and was not, was not. Very cold must leave with half, taking care of your voice, be it the throat, you have to eat well, so we did that, go to lunch. I liked when slapping hands and said, let's get food. Sometimes things are not what they seem and this is the case. My sex me hard, expensive sex, sex is problematic, misunderstandings brings sex, sex hard, you can get tired a lot of talk, make, mirror, rotate, and diagram the life around sex. Saccomanno was reading, I read his stories that are not Cheever but well. In the parameters of today, the now, well. I do not find much in their language, I do not like some words, but that speaks when he speaks of Saccomanno straw. No masturbation. When describing how to become a good straw. Talking about sex does not just make our life brighter. But talking about sex between two women without falling into the awful fate to link to love, as if love were assets of the sexual act, talking about sex between two women without necessarily compress the travesty of freedom of action, talking about sex between two women who in any case if it is to mourn the crying is reserved for other things. It's different. A different me what I like, the difference, make a difference. I do not want your world, modern woman in their thirties and young inhabitant of social networks in their twenties. And I do not want that word when talking of my sex, is the word of man. My sex is mine.

Well, it . If I have to define say opt for not turning. Do not make me waste time, fundamental wealth these days, she goes to the point. Do not make me wait and listen. Can you believe it? Has ears. And have a heart. I'll say something. It is not easy to listen to with aplomb "I do believe in love." It is not easy. Do not play with me, cause You are playing wihte FIRE.

If you're going to talk about my sex with my descriptions of the battlefield why I can not be at the same table talking to you? Am I not your pair? "We did not together? Alan Pauls wrote shell in the past and I'm red in the face. But not because of shame, by the slap. When you burn and everything is white around the aura of the coup, scarlet concentrated in the center. That blow. Days ago I discovered that Mr. Pauls returned to the load. Wrote cock. I spend something similar. I was having coffee with legs crossed and well opaque black stockings, checking that my shoelaces high, very high, are well tied, when I look up and it's there. Alan at home, compared to literature, wrote: dick. The women talked about that, you know, perhaps are you aware? But, see, not in these shows public post-feminism anecdotal, that feminism that defines itself as "not at all radical branch-hating men." No, we mean when we are two especially, we talked more seriously. We talked about what we do not like the big disappointments of the bumps, the monumental mistakes that comment, the huge gap between what they believe makes us enjoy and what really makes us feel pleasure, something similar to what move to other fields of their battles, ruins, personal. Gone are to be what they think they are. Word of honor that says men. Nor do they want me to wear to speak of humanity. Or want.

These, loose ideas are small pieces that I have left of the night spent with LL which is tiny as a button anise. I liked talking to her, listen to, but overall I liked the challenge of sitting with a woman who was going to expose contradictions in my feminism and finished even stronger. Strange, because when I was going to see more than one told me "to that?. If you and I will not see again.


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