Monday, December 27, 2010

Flower Tucci And Sarah Jay

Happy New Year - Ally Condie

Title: Matched
Author: Allyson Condie
Genre: Juvenile / Fiction
No. Pp. 384


Officers in the Company decide. Who love. To work. When die.

Cassia has always relied on its decisions. It is simply the price to pay for a perfect job, long life and the ideal. So when her best friend comes on the screen Matching, Cassia know with absolute certainty that he is the only ... until he sees the flash of other side for a moment before the screen turns black.
now faces Cassia An Impossible Choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life he knows and a path that nobody has dared to go-between perfection and passion.

Liily Review (Crystal)

officers handle your world your decisions. But that's ok they always choose the best for you, or so he thinks Cassia. Are in vogue lately dystopias. The Company is a bit like the Capitolo in The Hunger Games other famous dystopia. Cassia

does not have a wild streak she relies heavily on the Company. Can not decide but that's good because there is no mess everything is perfect. So
Cassia ceremony will match and decide that your partner is your best friend Xander, but by giving a device with the data appears the face of another boy she knows: Ky.

intrigued and starts over that boy that officers considered an aberration why?

And as is to be in love with someone who is not your partner? So

Cassia goes from being an ordinary citizen to a girl you start to realize of things. That their society is not as perfect as it seems.
Secrets, lies, betrayals.

She wants to decide. But when you discover the whole truth may be too late ...
And that ending ... is one of those that leave you in shock thinking as you may well leave you without knowing anything else. The pace is rather slow and boring most of the book but in the last pages there's a frantic pace. But apart from that have many interesting things about the technology but have not convinced me enough.

I miss you more agility and Ky did not like. I find it very dull Xander preferred more. Cassia although okay I did not like much. I miss it develop more.

Score: 8.4


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